The Trusted Choice & national Big I communications teams have been busy producing positive messaging around the industry response to the pandemic in light of the pressures of the Business Insurance issue. They also created series of TV spots called "30 Seconds to Know Insurance" designed to inform consumers on relevant insurance needs for both personal and commercial lines.
Regarding the industry reponse, the team focused on the $14 billion return of auto premium to policy holders, $280 million in donations to community efforts and foundations, thousands of hours of independent agents’ support for their local communities and the innovation of agents and carriers to be able to continue a vital industry through remote work and support.
Trusted Choice and the national Big I ran the full page ad pictured below in the USA Today America Responds edition, on newsstands July 20, as well as the digital edition. Four additional infographics are available for agents' use in the Trusted Choice Content to Share platform, with additional inforgraphics being introduced in the coming weeks.
Trusted Choice has also created four custom TV spots informing consumers on RV travel, DIY home projects, online marketplace and the remote workforce. They will be airing on CNBC shows Mad Money, Fast Money Squawk Alley, Power Lunch, The Exchange and more.
The actual launch of the Trusted Choice new consumer brand campaign is set for August 7th. These additional ads will be airing on HULU, YouTube and Facebook/Instagram. They all feature Trusted Choice independent agents as the hero in times where the client is juggling busy life and all the insurance needs that come with it. It is being produced as two 30-second spots, one for personal lines and one for commercial lines as well as 15-second and 6-second spots for social and digital use.