Big "I" membership offers two ways to attract new talent
Work-At-Home Vintage Experts and the Big "I" Career Center
 Work doesn’t wait. Deadlines loom. Meetings are scheduled. Fortunately, there are experts waiting just in the wings to help balance the workload, and just one person can make all the difference. You won’t even need a new workstation to get started!
Why? Because WAHVE is a remote staffing solution, saving costs in several areas.
WAHVE is the repository of the industry’s vintage and retiring talent, helping firms realign business strategy to focus on customer service, customer retention and growth. We are the only work-at-home model and outsourcing alternative to off-shoring, and we provide the right talent to perform the work at a significant savings.
Today people don’t really retire: they “pretire.” They leave the traditional office to work in new ways, enabled by technology. Our “pretirees” are just what you need: Highly experienced. Technologically savvy, and known for their work ethic.
View our WAHVE webpage |
Big "I" Career Center
Post to the job board and employers have access to search resumes of professionals looking for insurance careers. (Internship postings are free, but do not include access to the resume database.)
IIABA and InVEST work hard promoting the career industry within the industry and at InVEST schools and colleges. Posts automatically appear on the InVEST FB page.