You've seen numerous articles and webinars about the importance of your website. Many of these focus on the potential power of your website and why you should tap into the power. But you may not have encountered information on the danger when you don't pay attention to your website from an agency risk management perspective.
To help agents understand this important topic, the Big “I" Professional Liability Risk Management team recently hosted Big “I" members for an exclusive, complimentary webinar series, Your Website Says WHAT? How Your Agency's Online Presence Puts Your Business at Risk.
Along with the webinars, a website wording guide and whitepaper were also developed. These educational materials, with the exception of the language guide, will be available for Big "I" members to access through Feb. 28, 2022. On March 1, 2022, access to these materials will become an exclusive Swiss Re Corporate Solutions policyholder member benefit. The wording guide is only available exclusively to Swiss Re policyholders.
In addition, the Big "I" Professional Liability website do's and don'ts overview flyer has been updated. Use this guide to access quick tips to guide your thinking in the website area.
Gather your team to dive into these resources along with many others on the Big I Professional Liability Risk Management website to safeguard your agency.